Lemons into Lemonade

Lemons into Lemonade

If you’re invested in the market, you probably want it to be at its highest value, all the time; that’s human nature. However, we all know the market will never be so obedient and that disobedience is what ultimately catalyzes portfolio growth for you, the investor. Though, that disobedience also doesn’t have to spell despair until your portfolio’s balance rebounds. Instead, if you allow yourself to welcome opportunities to turn lemons into lemonade, we’re confident you will savor the fruits of your decisions for years to come. Continue Reading…

More Than a Chirp

More Than a Chirp

The motivation to sell after Musk’s Tweet in August should not have been precipitated by fear or uncertainty, but those two elements are the foundation for irrational behavior. Instead, investors should sell when their own circumstances necessitate a trade. Continue Reading…

Simplified: The New Tax Law

Simplified: The New Tax Law

The final weeks of 2017 brought with it the approval of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the likes of which are poised to impact the financial decisions you make this year. Since the US Tax code is an infamously complicated piece of legislation, regardless of the version, we will summarize the components we will feel are most critical to the financial well-being of our clients and readers. Continue Reading...

The Retirement of Medigap Plan F

The Retirement of Medigap Plan F

The departure of Plan F is like an all-you-can-eat buffet, stocked with your favorite dishes, made with the most prized ingredients, going away forever. For years, each visit to the buffet felt too good to be true. With its unmatched selection and reasonable price, the whole experience nearly defied logic. In hindsight, you realize you were probably right and now, the restaurant owner feels the same way. In this case, that buffet is Medigap Plan F and the restaurant is the US Government. Continue Reading...